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Winter's Hollow Shopping Guide - 2024

-Event Exclusives & Hunt Prizes -

This shopping guide will be updated as designers pass their item images to me.

- Raindale -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Raindale - Gloomberry - gazebo.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Raindale-Winter_s-Hollow.jpg

- Roawenwood -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Roawenwood - Festivities Decorated Fireplace Scene.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Roawenwood - Bah Humbug Pillows.jpg

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Roawenwood - Festivities Holiday Pillow Tree.jpg
Exclusive - Roawenwood - Pentacle & Pinecones Wreath.jpg
Exclusive - Roawenwood - Ice Blue Pillow Tree.jpg

- Zen Child Designs -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Zen Child Designs - Frost Petal Villain Mer Tail for Riptide.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Zen Child Designs - Frost Petal Spell Aura.png
Exclusive - Zen Child Designs - Frost Petal Hero Mer Tail for Riptide.png

- Blue Blood -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Blue Blood - Conjuro Set.png

- Whats Lost Spirits -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - ICE TOWER.jpg


Event Exclusive

Exclusive - SIGMA - Crescent moon earrings.png

-- Starlight Designs -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Starlight Designs.jpg

- LORE -

Event Exclusive

LORE Yule Log Cake - Lala L'amour.png
LORE Chalice Candles bronze - Lala L'amour.png
LORE Yule Fruit Bowl bronze - Lala L'amour.png

- [QE] Designs & [QE Home] -

Event Exclusive

[QE Home] Aspen Living Room - Exclusive - The Great & Powerful Emms.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

[QE Home] Aspen Blanket Ladder - Hunt Prize - The Great & Powerful Emms.jpg

- Candle & Cauldron -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - CC_-_Simmer_Pot_Set_-_Vendor_Ad.jpg

-- Haunt -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - HAUNT_-_Trapper_Hat_-_Vendor_Ad.jpg

- Libertine -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Libertine - KOTOISA_sale.jpg

- Fallen Gods Inc -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Fallen Gods Inc - SNOWSTORMpanel.jpg

- Refuge -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Refuge - Starburst Hanging Lamp Ad.jpg

-- MoonPhase -

Event Exclusive

Snapshot_001 - pumpkin.jpg

Eventyra -

Event Exclusive

Eventyra - Nail Appliers - Evergreen Magic (8-7).png

25L$ Hunt Prize

Eventyra - Nail Appliers - Candy Cane Ashes (8-7) Hunt.png


Event Exclusive

Exclusive - [HEXUMBRA] - Amaryllis Eye Makeup Fatpack.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - [HEXUMBRA] - Nizah Freckles.png

Auro -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - [AURO] Te Moana -IN GLACIEM - Riptide - AD - LONG.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - [AURO] In Glaciem - Snow Fade - BOM - AD.png

Ari Pari -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Ari-Pari - Snowstorm Dress.png

25L$ Hunt Prize


- Sounds Great -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Sounds Great! Ambient System - Pagan Yule Folk.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Sounds Great! Ambient System - Winter_s Hollow gift - Nuclear Winter.jpg
Exclusive - Sounds Great! Ambient System - The Crows Know You Lost Your Way.jpg
Exclusive - Sounds Great! Ambient System - Cozy Winter Hut & Storm Outside.jpg

- Lunchmeat -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - LunchMeat - Isolde Outfit.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - LunchMeat -Scary Christmas top.jpg

- The Little Bat -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - !TLB - Lumi Outfit AD.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - !TLB - Witch Bindi AD.png

- Faunus -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - AD FAUNUS.jpg

- Magnetic -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Magnetic - SnowFlurryVanisher.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Magnetic - Winter Solstice Deer.jpg

- Tirrany Designs -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Winter Twilight Firepit-Tirrany Designs.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - ^TD^Gothic Winter Lantners-Hunt Item.jpg

- Dreadfully Dark -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Dreadfully Dark - Griffin_s Lair Bed (Adult).png
Exclusive - Dreadfully Dark - Griffin_s Lair Bed (PG).png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - Dreadfully Dark - Crimson Thorn Rose Vase.png

- Majikal -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - MAJIKAL - Dark Frost Collar.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - MAJIKAL - Dark Frost Septum.jpg

- Lolapop -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - CyberFlakesAd.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - InviernoAd.png

- Witch & Co -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - W&Co. Christmas Market Stall.png

25L$ Hunt Prizes


- Dark Intentions -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - DI Eve Outfit Crystal AD.png

25L$ Hunt Prize

HUNT - DI Little Silver Dress AD.png

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - DI Eve Outfit Red AD.png
Exclusive - DI Eve Outfit Black AD.png

- Majikal -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Winters-Dress-Grey-Background.jpg
Exclusive - Winters-Dress-Red-Background.jpg
Exclusive - Winters-Dress-Blue-Background.jpg
Exclusive - Winters-Dress-Purple-Background.jpg
Exclusive - Winters-Dress-Wine-Background.jpg

- Venge -

Event Exclusive

VENGE - Song Aura - 'Santa Claus is High' Advert _Resized - Vixn Dagger.jpg


Event Exclusive


- Goth1c0 -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Goth1c0.jpg

- Zoom -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Zoom.jpg

- Moon Coven -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Moon Coven Frozen Rings.jpg
Exclusive - Moon Coven Vinyl Christmas Tree.jpg

- Les Sucreries de Fairy -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive -Les Sucreries de Fairy.jpg
Exclusive - Les Sucreries de Fairy 2.jpg

25L$ Hunt Prize

Hunt - Les Sucreries de Fairy.jpg

- Witch In A Box -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Witch In A Box.jpg

- Tardfish -

Event Exclusive

Exclusive - Tardfish.jpg

- Circa -

Event Exclusive

[CIRCA] - Christmas Jewel - Gothic Potted Tree - Silver & Black - Cherelle Harvey.jpg
[CIRCA] - Christmas Jewel - Gothic Potted Tree - Plum & Black - Cherelle Harvey.jpg
[CIRCA] - Christmas Jewel - Gothic Potted Tree - Ruby & Black - Cherelle Harvey.jpg
[CIRCA] - Christmas Jewel - Gothic Potted Tree - Royal & Black - Cherelle Harvey.jpg
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